Scam Review – LEGIT MINING?
If you are interested in mining for cryptocurrencies, altcoins specifically, you might have looked at the app. The system is supposedly the best altcoin mining tool in the world. It is supposedly cheap to invest in, and is supposed to provide really good returns. It is said to mine for 2 specific altcoins including Dogecoin and Litecoin. As the story goes, we can make nearly 200% ROI per month on certain investments.
Sure, of course this sounds really nice. After all, who doesn’t want to triple their investment in just 30 days? Yeah, it sounds spectacular, but at the same time, it also sounds way too good to be true. When things like this system sound too good to be real, chances are that it is probably a scam. Heck, when it comes to crypto mining apps, the bottom line is that most of the ones you will find online are scams. These crooks do not actually provide any proof that the software works to provide profits.
Yet, we here have found many different scam factors. We found a ton of solid proof to confirm that something super shady and illegal is going on here. There is simply not a doubt in our minds about that. We are here today doing this review for your benefit. We want to provide you with fair warning about the very real threat which this particular cryptocurrency mining scam poses to your financial security. App – Fake & Anonymous Company
When it comes to red flags and scam factors, the first one that came to our attention has to do with the company itself. For one, the company is said to be registered in the UK. Yet, when we looked it up, no UK business registry in existence lists the company as an official business. From what we have gathered, outside of the website, the app does not really exist as a legal entity. On that same note, it is also not licensed to take investments from people. In other words, this whole thing is completely illegal and really does not hold any merit.
At the same time, if you try to find out who the owners and leaders of this ICO are, you won’t find anything. Neither the website or any other source is going to be able to tell you who is in charge here. If you do a domain registry check, you will find that all of the useful info has been privatized and redacted. There is no leadership information to speak of. It’s a completely anonymous and faceless mining operation. Face it people, the system is just an easy way for these criminals to steal money right out of your pocket, and you won’t ever find out who is behind it. System – NOT PROFITABLE!
First off, why the app would mine for Dogecoin is completely beyond us. It is a worthless altcoin that is doomed to fail. There is simply no value in it. Either way, we are never provided with any solid proof that any cryptocurrency mining ever goes on here. Supposedly the money we invest pays for crypto mining equipment which is then used and operated by whoever is in charge here. This is definitely very shady, confusing, and suspicious to say the least. At any rate, there is just not a single shred of proof here to show that any kind of cryptocurrencies are ever mined for.
Next, we are told that the best investment package will provide us with returns of nearly 200% per month. Yes, tripling our initial investment in just 30 days would be really nice. Yet, it is also totally unrealistic and impossible too. There is not a single crypto mining system in the world that can achieve these kinds of results. It just is not possible at all. If it were possible to make this much cash with the app, everybody would be putting it to use.
Furthermore, the payouts page here is very suspicious too. Supposedly, we are shown the last 25 payouts which software has made to previous investors. However, there is just no way to confirm that these are real. Folks, we have talked to quite a few people out there who unfortunately have invested money with the system. They have all had the exact same experience, or in other words, every last person who invested money here lost it all in record time. Software – A Ponzi Scheme
One thing that we know for sure about the app is that it is a Ponzi scheme and a pyramid scheme. For one, A Ponzi scheme is any investment program which guarantees huge returns, but where no profits ever materialize. THis is exactly what this cryptocurrency mining app is.
Next, we are told that we can receive up to 9% in commissions if we get friends and family to invest. This referral program seems way too good to be true, as no crypto miner ICO is going to give away nearly 10% of an investment to you just for a referral bonus. We have talked to quite a few people out there and they have all said the same thing. They got their friends to invest, but the referral bonus never came through, plus of course all of the other investors got screwed over too. Review – Conclusion
As you can clearly see from all of the evidence and scam factors we have collected, the system is undoubtedly a total scam. It is completely anonymous and consists of an unregistered and illegal company.
Moreover, it mines for some questionable altcoins, it promises huge profits, and it never delivers at all. There is also the fact that it is quite clearly a Ponzi scheme too. So, whichever way you look at it, the system is definitely a scam. It is a cryptocurrency mining scam that is hell bent on taking your money, so please stay away from it at all costs.
Now, if you would like to make some real money through cryptocurrency trading, we personally would recommend using The Calloway Software App. Calloway Software is currently the number one cryptocurrency trading tool in the world. It is accurate, easy to use, and highly profitable too!
If you would like to find out more about cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency trading, go to our Cryptocurrency Explained section!

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