CoinPay Hour Review – Real Bitcoin Miner?
Do you like mining for cryptocurrencies, but don’t have the time or hardware to do so. Well, if this is the case, you might be interested in the CoinPay Hour system. It claims to be a great Bitcoin mining app that can provide absolutely insane daily profits. Yeah, it sounds like a really good BTC mining program, but there are some shady things going on here. This is why we are here today doing this CoinPay Hour scam review.
Who Runs The CoinPay Hour System?
Yes, this is something that really indicates that there is a scam afoot here. This is a mining system for cryptocurrencies, but we are never informed of who is in charge here. The website is totally barren in terms of information regarding company leadership. Whenever we are faced with any kind of crypto investment system, we always want to know that there are real and legit people in charge of it.
The fact of the matter is that you just cannot ever trust an anonymous crypto trading or mining app. How do you know that they will return your money after you invest it? Seriously folks, if your money goes missing and you don’t know who runs the show, the chances of recuperating your losses are between 0% and none. The only good reason why the CoinPay Hour system does not divulge leadership information is because it is illegal and shady. Unless there is something shady going on here, there is just no good reason for these crooks to stay anonymous.
CoinPay Hour Company – Not Legal!
The other thing about the CoinPay Hour company that came to our attention is that it does not actually have any kind of licensing. The website claims that this program is licensed and registered in the UK. Yet, we could not find any evidence to confirm this. We checked in the UK business registry from the Companies House, and this CoinPay Hour company is not registered at all. In other words, the website is simply telling lies.
The fact of the matter is that if the CoinPay Hour company is not registered, then it is also not licensed. If this company is not licensed, then it cannot legally perform any of the activities which it claims. We suppose that this does not matter anyway. This is because this is a total scam. It’s not a real company and there is probably no crypto mining going on anyway. It just seems to be a good way for these crooks to steal money from innocent people!
How Does CoinPay Hour Software Function?
Well, what we are told is that the CoinPay Hour system is a miner. Apparently it mines for Bitcoin in order to make a profit for us. However, to be quite honest, even this is unclear. It’s not really clear which cryptocurrencies this CoinPay Hour app actually mines for. This is of course a really big problem. To make things worse, there is also no information provided about the mining system itself.
There are various questions which we definitely want the answers to if we are expected to invest money into this BTC miner. Things like where the mining facilities are located, who runs them, what kind of software and hardware is in use, and all of that other fun stuff is left out here. How are we supposed to trust this CoinPay Hour mining app with our cash? The whole thing is just way too vague and suspicious for us to get behind.
CoinPay Hour Miner – Impossible ROI
One of the biggest telltale signs about this CoinPay Hour app that came to our attention has to do with the profits we are promised. As the story goes, this mining app can deliver us with profits as high as 10% per hour. Even better apparently, is that these profits last for 24 hours after each investment. However, as far we are concerned, this is totally bogus to say the very least.
Folks, this would mean that you could multiply your initial investment by 24 in just a single day. Does this really sound realistic to you? People, there is simply no Bitcoin investment system out there that can achieve these kinds of results. It simply cannot be done no matter what the mining app or software is.
The fact of the matter is that this is nothing more than a lie meant to entice people who don’t know the first thing about cryptocurrencies or mining. On a side note, we have received complaints from a few dozen people so far. Everybody who has gotten mixed up with this system has paid the price for it. The bottom line is that the CoinPay Hour miner simply steals your money. It does not engage in any mining whatsoever.
CoinPay Hour Software – The Ponzi Scheme
Another aspect of this CoinPay Hour system that came to our attention has to do with the affiliaye program. We are told that we can get a 6% cut of the action if we use the referral system. In other words, if you can convince your loving family and friends to invest money into this scam, you will get some of the money for free.
Sure, this sounds great, and it is technically not illegal to set up an affiliate program like this. However, what is totally illegal is not paying out the bonuses as promised. Yes, we have also received dozens of complaints about the CoinPay Hour app’s affiliate program. Apparently, they simply just don’t pay out the affiliate bonuses as promised. It’s just another huge cryptocurrency scam meant to steal your money. It does this in as many ways as humanly possible.
CoinPay Hour Scam Review – Final Thoughts
When all has been said and done, it is obvious that CoinPay Hour software is a complete rip off. The sole purpose of it is to steal money from innocent people like you. Please guys, just stay away from it altogether.
Now, if you would like to make some real money through cryptocurrency trading, we personally would recommend using The Calloway Software App. Calloway Software is currently the number one cryptocurrency trading tool in the world. It is accurate, easy to use, and highly profitable too!
If you would like to find out more about cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency trading, go to our Cryptocurrency Explained section!

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