Maximus Edge Crypto Bot vs Maximus Edge EA
We are always pleased when we find two different signals providers and trading platforms that are worth comparing. The unfortunate reality is that there are currently tons of scams out there, and whether they are cryptocurrency based, BO based, or FX based, they manage to rip off thousands of people per year. Well, when we come across two awesome trading apps like the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot system and the Max Edge EA app, we need to compare them.
We personally prefer the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot app. We can tell you that right from the get go. However, this does not mean that the Max Edge EA is not worth looking at. Both of these systems, while being quite different, have managed to bring success and financial freedom to tens of thousands of people respectively. We are here today doing a Maximus Edge Crypto Bot vs Maximus Edge EA comparison to find out which one of these systems is the best to use on daily basis.
Maximus Edge Crypto Bot vs Maximus Edge EA – What Can It Trade?
The first valuable point of comparison to make here is what each of these respectable trading services actually allows you to trade. To start off, the Max Edge EA system allows for the trading of binary options and Forex. This is not at all a bad thing, especially seeing as this Max Edge EA app has managed to be very profitable and remain that way ever since it was first released. In all reality, this app has the best selection of BO and FX signals out of any BO based trading service out there right now.
The Maximus Edge Crypto Bot on the other hand is specifically designed to trade cryptocurrencies. In fact, it has the biggest selection of cryptocurrency pairs for you to trade with out of all cryptocurrency trading apps in the world today.
We do think that trading cryptocurrencies is much more profitable than BO or Forex, which is why the Max Edge Crypto Bot is the absolute winner of this section. Oh yeah, did we forget to mention that the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot can also trade BO and Forex? In other words, the Max Edge Crypto Bot can do absolutely everything that the Maximus Edge EA can do, plus a heck of a lot more.
Maximus Crypto Edge Bot vs Maximus Edge EA – Brokers
Both of these systems automatically assign the brokers to you. Now, this is not something that we love, but it seems to be the way that these trading apps work nowadays. While both systems do assign you a broker, the Max Edge Crypto Bot app is a little bit better. The Max Edge EA system assigns you a broker totally randomly, whereas the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot system uses an algorithm to determine which broker is best for you, making it the winner here.
Maximus Crypto Edge Bot vs Maximus Edge EA – User Friendliness
We don’t want to go too far into detail here, but you do need to know that the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot system is much easier to use than the Maximus Edge EA. We are not going to explain why, but based on what we have seen and experienced, the Max Edge Crypto Bot system has a much more user friendly user interface, which is great for doing a lot of trades.
Maximus Crypto Edge Bot vs Maximus Edge EA – ITM Rates
In terms of the ITM rates, which is the percentage of trades won vs trades lost, we absolutely need to compare these two systems. To start, the Max Edge EA does provide for some pretty good winning trade rates where binary options and Forex are concerned. We have been using this app ever since it first came out last year and it has not disappointed. The worst ITM rate we ever achieved with the Max Edge EA was 80%, with the best being close to 90%. This is not bad at all and nothing to complain about.
However, when it comes down to it, the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot system is still the better system. We have also been using this system since its initial release a couple of weeks ago and it has never failed to impress us at all. We have managed to achieve ITM rates no lower than 90% with the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot app. Our average winning trade rate with this particular system is around 93%. However, we have actually had sessions where we won all of the trades placed, which is extremely impressive to say the least. No, you will not always experience 100% ITM trading sessions with the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot app, but it is totally possible none the less.
Maximus Crypto Edge Bot vs Maximus Edge EA – Profits
Of course, both of these signals providers and trading platforms are intended to help people make money. That is the whole point of them, making this part of the comparison the most important section of all. In terms of pure profits, the Max Edge EA app has not disappointed. The average income we have managed to achieve with this system is around 1,250 Euro per day, which is not bad, but also not great.
There is just no denying the fact that the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot app is far more profitable. With this system, a single 30 minutes of trading have brought us over 600 Euro. Now, if we do the math and our profits always stay this high, you could make close to 10,000 Euro per day with the Max Edge Crypto Bot app. Now, the chances of that happening are pretty slim, but the fact that it is way more profitable than the other system remains the same.
Maximus Edge Crypto Bot vs Maximus Edge EA – Conclusion
The clear winner of this comparison is the Maximus Edge Crypto Bot app. Simply put, whatever the Maximus Edge EA app can do, the Max Edge Crypto Bot system can do it better. We would recommend taking a closer look at this system if you are serious about making money.
If you would like to find out more about cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency trading, go to our Cryptocurrency Explained section!

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