Bitcoin Focus Group Review – BTC SCAM!
The Bitcoin Focus Group app is said to be able to generate over $125,000 per month. It is apparently a high powered BTC and cryptocurrency trading system that will put tons of money in our pockets. Even better is that Bitcoin Focus Group software will provide us with $35,000 just for participating, plus an extra $200 just for signing up. Do you really think that these crooks are going to give away 35K to every person who signs up for this junk? We have done ample amounts of research on the Bitcoin Focus Group app and there is not a single true, reliable, or credible aspect to it.
Yes, BTC is currently worth a heck of a lot of money and is therefore a good investment opportunity. However, if you use a rip off program like Bitcoin Focus Group software, you are sure to lose everything you invest. We are here doing a Bitcoin Focus Group scam review and it is to save you a whole lot of trouble. This cryptocurrency software is illegal, it is thievery, and it is here to steal your money.
Bitcoin Focus Group App – No Focus Group!
Calling this particular app a focus group makes no sense at all. The Bitcoin Focus Group app has nothing to do with a focus group, not in the furthest sense of the term. We are told that we will get a free $35,000 just for participating in this so called focus group. However, at no point is there anything that even slightly resembles any kind of focus group. There is no survey or surveys, no questions, and there definitely is never any kind of group question period. Exactly why this is called the Bitcoin Focus Group is beyond us. It is totally nonsensical. Equally as stupid is the promise of giving us thirty five thousand dollars to answer some questions. Even if there was any kind of questioning involved, nobody would give you 35K just to answer a few questions. Sure, it sounds like a nice offer if you have no idea what the value of money is.
Bitcoin Focus Group Software – Fake Companies & Awards
Another thing which indicates that the Bitcoin Focus Group app is a scam has to do with the load of fake awards and companies listed on the website. Simply put, there are a bunch of logos on the website which seem to indicate that a number of awards have been awarded to this phony app. There are also a number of logos which show that this service is endorsed by various companies and groups. This is all just for show and holds no merit or legitimacy at all. None of the companies or the awards seen on the Bitcoin Focus Group website exist at all. They are simply made up out of thin air, a fact which can easily be proved simply by Googling any of them.
Bitcoin Focus Group App – Fake Partners
Yet another aspect of this terrible BTC trading app which shows that it is a rip off has to do with the list of partners advertised on the main website. There is a long list of partners, the purpose of which is to lend this horrible Bitcoin Focus Group app some credibility. However, none of these “partners” have ever endorsed this crappy BTC trading system. Heck, most of these so called partners do not even exist, and if they do, you can bet your bottom dollar that they never once endorsed this bogus BTC trading system. Nothing you see on the Bitcoin Focus Group website is true in the least.
Bitcoin Focus Group Software – Phony Testimonials
The next red flag which shows the Bitcoin Focus Group app to be a total rip off is how all of the user testimonials featured on the website are totally fake. There are testimonials on the website, all of which are way too good and positive to be real. At the same time, the names of the people are simply invented out of thin air, and are combined with stolen stock images from various websites. Nothing that these user testimonials say is true and not even the people are real. The same people trying to sell you this junk wrote those testimonials. They are not to be trusted at all.
Bitcoin Focus Group App – Cheap Marketing Tricks
Something else that shows the Bitcoin Focus Group app to be a scam is the classic “limited spots” gag which pops up every time you try to look at something on the website. There is a banner that says that we need to sign up before the limited amount of spots are taken. However, it never tells us how many spots are left. As far as we can tell there are an unlimited amount of spots. Just think about it. The people behind the Bitcoin Focus Group are looking to rip you off, so they obviously aren’t going to limit themselves to only ripping off X number of people. This is nothing more than a classic pressure tactic used by marketing gurus to try and sucker you into signing up RIGHT NOW!
Bitcoin Focus Group Software – Impossible Profits
Perhaps the most ridiculous aspect of Bitcoin Focus Group software is that it promises to make over $125,000 per month, adding up to potential millions each year. Well, we are never informed of any coherent trading strategy or algorithm, which is a really bad sign to start. However, the telltale sign here is the amount promised. Not even the best of the best trading systems can pull in that kind of money. Sure, some might be able to generate around $30,000 per month, but nowhere near 125K. It just is not possible at all. There is not even any kind of real trading strategy listed here!
Bitcoin Focus Group Scam Review – Conclusion
At the end of the day, the only viable conclusion to come to is that Bitcoin Focus Group software is a total scam. It is a rip off meant to steal as much money from you as possible.
If you would like to engage in reliable and profitable cryptocurrency and Forex trading, we would highly recommend giving the brand new Crypto Advantage app a look at. It is currently the best, most credible, and highly profitable cryptocurrency trading system available today. With an easy to use platform, lots of options, a high ITM rate, and lots of potential for profits, you really cannot go wrong with Crypto Advantage software.
In case you are also interested in binary options, Forex, and other types of online trading, check out our sister site, for all of the latest news and scam reports! if you would like to find out more about cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency trading, go to our Cryptocurrency Explained section!

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