IM With Jamie Review: IS THIS BOGUS?
If you want to make some good money, you might have considered becoming an affiliate marketer. Yes, affiliate marketing programs can be quite lucrative indeed. In theory, all you have to do is create your own website where you engage in marketing, most by writing product reviews, blogging, and featuring advertisement banners too. It’s really not that hard. This is what the IM With Jamie System is all about.
The IM With Jamie system is supposedly the world’s most profitable affiliate marketing program in the world. Apparently, you can make thousands and thousands of dollars guaranteed, every single day, just by paying this Jamie guy a bit of money. Even better is that using IM With Jamie software for your affiliate marketing needs does not even cost very much, plus you barely have to do any work at all. Darn, doesn’t this sound awesome, almost too good to be true?
Well, we know for a fact that this IM With Jamie program is way too good to be true. Not only that, but there are also many other scam factors that came to our attention here. In all honesty, the whole thing really does not make any sense at all, nor is it trustworthy in the least. Between the total lack of transparency, the fake people, and the obvious absence of profits of any sort, it stands to reason that this IM With Jamie program is a complete rip off. We are here today doing this IM With Jamie scam review to keep you safe from affiliate marketing and ad revenue scams like this.
IM With Jamie Application – WHO IS JAMIE?
If you really want to know, Jamie, or Jamie Lewis as he claims to be named, is nothing but a failure. Ok, so that might be a bit harsh, because he is actually nothing more than a paid actor. Yet, being a paid actor for an affiliate marketing scam could be considered being a failure. Anyway, Jamie claims that he became a big time affiliate marketer in 2006 and that he’s made close to 10 million dollars since. To prove this, he walks through his home and shows us a bunch of fancy things that supposedly belong to him. He also shows us his tax return, which looks real enough.
However, if you look closely, it quickly becomes super obvious that it is not in fact his home, they are not his cars, and that his tax returns are totally doctored. We looked this dude up and came up empty. Besides his association and appearance on this IM With Jamie system, we can’t find him at all. He has no online mentions and no social media presence of any kind. It is obvious that Jamie is not his real name, the IM With Jamie program is a scam, and this guy is just a burned out stoner. Just take a closer gander at the stupid look on his face for proof.
How Does The IM With Jamie Affiliate Marketing System Work?
Well, the theory here is that you have your own website where you perform affiliate marketing. We have already explained what affiliate marketing is, but just in case you are unclear, let’s explain again. Simply put, you have your own website where you write blogs and reviews on various products and services. No, you are not supposed to sound like you are selling the products per say, but the point is obviously to make sales. There is a reason why this is called marketing.
The IM With Jamie system claims that it will teach you the ins and outs of affiliate marketing. The website is actually very misleading. It makes it seem like you will get your own website and that you will already be joined up with several trustworthy affiliate marketing systems, but this is simply not true. When you sign up with this IM With Jamie program, you get nothing, squat, nothing useful period.
This Jamie fellow promises to teach you all of his tips and tricks to make money through affiliate marketing. That is all you get. The words of some burned out stoner that has rented a house for a photo shoot, shows fake tax returns, and looks like he’s done way too much LSD. You don’t get a website, you don’t get access to affiliate programs, and you don’t get any useful anyway. Anything that this fool teaches you can be learned from Google or YouTube, and it won’t cost you a single penny. What is funny is that this Jamie guy says that he doesn’t want your money, but it does cost close to 30 bucks for access to the IM With Jamie program.
IM With Jamie Affiliate Scam – NOT PROFITABLE!
The most important scam factor to mention here is the fact that nobody has ever actually made a profit using this ridiculous IM With Jamie program. Literally not a single person has ever been successful with it. Why is this you might ask? Well, the problem with the IM With Jamie system is that it is all a huge load of crap.
The advice and tips he gives are just terrible, they don’t make sense, and they actually constitute a surefire way to waste both your time and money. We have talked to many people out there and everybody agrees that the IM With Jamie program is just nonsense and it is not worth the time or the measly 30 bucks it costs to purchase it.
IM With Jamie Review – Conclusion
At the end of the day, the only reasonable conclusion to come to here is that the IM With Jamie system is a complete scam. As far as we can tell, nobody has ever made a single penny in profits using this bogus ad revenue or affiliate marketing program. Whatever you want to call it, whether Jamie is a real person or not, he is a total moron and this application won’t ever put money in your pocket. It is a scam and the only purpose it serves is to steal money right out of your pocket, not to help make you richer.
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