Free Ad Cash System Scam Review
If you think that the Free Ad Cash System app looks tempting to use, just forget about it. We have plenty of evidence to prove that this is a bogus investment scheme. We have tons of facts which show the true colors of this HYIP money thieving scam. This is our Free Ad Cash System review and we are here to bury this ludicrous software 6 feet under once and for all!
Free Ad Cash System App – NOT 100% FREE AS ADVERTISED!
One thing that we need to make very clear about this bogus investment program is that it is advertised as being 100% free. However, this is really not true at all. Yes, signing up for the software does not cost anything, but that is about as far as the free handouts go.
When you have opened up your account, you will be asked to make a deposit into one of the various plans. You will be asked to deposit $250, $500, $750, and more. Make no mistake about it. This is not an investment and you won’t make any money.
You are simply handing over money to the crooks running the show! The fact that these scammers lie about the Free Ad Cash System being free to use is already more than enough to send us running for the hills!
Free Ad Cash System Software – Completely Anonymous
Another scam factor that came to our attention here is how the Free Ad Cash System program is totally anonymous and faceless. Yes, there is a man in the presentation video who claims to go by the name of Simon Green. Yet, there is really no way for us to prove his existence or his affiliation with this investment program.
All we ever get from him is some second rate voice narration, but we never actually get to see his face. Folks, using voice acting is a classic tactic used by unscrupulous scammers. They know that proving or disproving the identity of a voice actor is nearly impossible.
While these crooks use this tactic to try and throw a wrench into our plans, all they have accomplished is making us really suspicious. Folks, we have said it before and will say it many times again. You simply cannot trust any kind of anonymous investment system. Your money will inevitably go missing, and when it does, you won’t have anybody to point the finger at.
Free Ad Cash System Program – NON-EXISTENT BUSINESS
Something else that is very odd about this Free Ad Cash System app is that it is not a real business at all. These guys don’t tell us about the leadership team.
Nobody tells us who is in charge here or who created the system in the first place. Also, we are never provided with a location or address for the business, nor are we provided with any kind of contact details. This is a telltale sign that there is a scam going on here!
Free Ad Cash System User Testimonials – FAKE!
The next clear indication that there is a scam going on here has to do with the Free Ad Cash System user testimonials. The end of the presentation video features a bunch of people who claim to be a part of this app and who have made a ton of money using it.
However, we spotted these scammers right away and we know for a fact that they are invented people and fictitious personalities. Ok, so the people are real and they do have blood flowing through their veins.
They are not using their real names and they have certainly never used this Free Ad Cash System program. We found most of them on various actor for hire websites like These people are paid actors. Therefore, you cannot trust a single word that comes out of their mouths.
This investment scam also uses some really lowdown marketing pressure tactics to try and lure people in. They use the classic LIMITED SPOTS gag to attempt to fool people into signing up. These criminals are trying to put pressure on people.
Saying that there are only so many spots left to sign up with free of cost forces people to sign up without considering what is really going on. Of course, these fools just hope that people will ignore the many scam factors in favor of the promise of big profits.
Folks, you can refresh the site as many times as you want and the number of spots left is always the same. This is proof that this is nothing more than a lie and a trick.
Free Ad Cash System Scam Software – “AD FLIPPING”???
We are told that the Free Ad Cash System uses something called Ad Flipping to generate money for us. Yet, we are never really informed of what this technique is or how it works. There is some totally convoluted and confusing explanation as to how using this Ad Flipping technique will generate thousands of dollars per day.
Just to be clear, this whole thing doesn’t make any sense, it is confusing, and it really does not seem as though it could be profitable in any way. We need a clear path to money if we are expected to invest any amount of cash into this ridiculous investment scheme.
Free Ad Cash System Program – NOT PROFITABLE!
The other thing that we need to mention about this Free Ad Cash System scam is that nobody has ever made a profit with it. Even worse is the fact that nobody has broken even with it either.
We have gotten dozens of complaints from angry people who have been screwed out of money by this scam system. Everybody says the same thing. They deposit money and it just disappears right in front of their eyes.
This is the biggest piece of proof we have that this Free Ad Cash System program is a total rip off. If you actually want to make a profit through trading, you should check out the BinBot Pro Binary Options Trading Robot!
Free Ad Cash System Review – Conclusion
People, just stay away from this Free Ad Cash System scam because you will just lose your money if you get mixed up with it!
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