Forex Pro Island FIRST RESULTS
The Forex Pro Island MT4 Automated Trading Bot is brand new. It was just released a few days ago, yet it has already managed to make a massive impact on the world of FX trading. For those of you who don’t know, this is a fully automated piece of FX trading software. Simply put, it does all of the hard work and the heavy lifting for you. You just have to turn the Forex Pro Island Auto Bot on, watch it place trades on your behalf, and wait as the profits accumulate.
Now, Andrew, the creator of this particular piece of day trading tech just did his first live trading session with the software. From what has been advertised, we know that the projected ITM or win rate for this software is 74%. So, was the Forex Pro Island application able to live up to its advertised ITM rate, did it do worse, or did it do better?
Well, based on Andrew’s first live trading session, we can tell you that this brand new automated day trading app performed very well. It actually managed to exceed the advertised ITM rate by a few percentage points. Of course, a high win rate is what you need when it comes to FX autotraders, and yes, this is something which helped lead to some big time profits. Today’s Forex Pro Island Bot review is all about Andrew’s first live trading session with it and the profits his new app managed to generate.
Forex Pro Island MT4 Bot – A Quick Recap
Just for those of you who are not quite clear as to what the Forex Pro Island MT4 Automated Trading Bot is, let us explain. This is a piece of software which you download and then install on the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. It is designed to trade FX currency pairs. Specifically, it comes with 6 integrated bots, each of which is designed to trade one specific currency pair.
It incorporates a highly sophisticated algorithm which based on various forms of analysis, generates the best FX currency trading signals. The software also picks the best stop loss and take profit levels. Forex Pro Island Software automatically executes trades on your behalf, without you ever having to do any of the hard work.
Forex Pro Island Bot – First Results & Profits
Alright, so something you are probably wondering about is how profitable this Forex Pro Island Automated trading bot actually. What we can say is that this particular auto trader does produce some very high quality signals that can and do lead to profits. Now, we do want to say that this is the first live trading session we have looked at, and the results are definitely quite promising.
Andrew did a live trading session where he opened and closed his trades live on camera. He used his own Forex Pro Island Automated Bot to place quite a high number of trades. There were a total of 23 trades placed by this bot within the span of a single day. Yes, like we have mentioned before, this automated trading bot does have the ability to place a high volume of trades. What you are probably wondering is how many of those 23 trades placed so far have been winners.
Well, out of the 23 Forex trades which Forex Pro Island software executed in this particular trading session, the software managed to win a whopping 18 of those trades. We know that the predicted ITM rate for this app was said to be around 74%, but this is actually higher. 18 trades won out of a total of 23 equals an ITM rate of nearly 79%, so much better than advertised.
Folks, being able to win nearly 80% of trades places is extremely impressive and it goes to show that this Forex Pro Island MT4 bot does actually work, and quite well too. There are not many other automated FX traders out there that can win such a high volume of trades, if any at all. We personally have never seen any other piece of automated trading software that has managed to produce results like these.
Profits – BIG TIME!
What you probably also want to know is how much money the Forex Pro Island Autotrader was actually able to generate during this first trading session. The profits were quite large, as can be seen from the included video. The total profits for this first live trading session are just around $1,100.
It might seem as though $1,100 is not a massive profit for 18 winning trades, but the fact of the matter is that those $1,100 were generated in a single day, and all without the trade himself having to do any of the heavy lifting.
The profits are moderate-high, and considering that the Forex Pro Island Bot does all of the work, it is rather impressive. Let’s also put it this way, the vast majority of bots out there would have never been able to achieve results like this. The simple fact that this autotrader is in the money and was able to produce substantial profits in a single day is more than enough to convince us of its merits.
Forex Pro Island Review – First Profits Success!
The bottom line is that the Forex Pro Island Automated Trading Application was able to outperform the original expectations. To repeat, in a single day, this application placed a total of 23 trades. Of those 23 FX trades, a whopping 18 of them turned out to be winners. This translates to a very impressive ITM or win rate of nearly 79%.
This 79% win rate lead to profits of roughly $1,100, all in a single day, and all without having to do any of the heave lifting. The simple fact of the matter is that the Forex Pro Island Bot was able to generate some amazing results. At the end of the day, the important take away from today’s review is that this software is reliable, it is profitable, and it will put money in your pocket at the end of the day.
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