Easy Forex Trading Strategies & Tips
It’s no secret that Forex trading is not easy. Yes, it takes many years of studying and practice to become a true Forex trading master. This is exactly what these easy Forex trading strategies and tips are meant for, to help you put money in your pockets. The simple fact is that newbies who start trading Forex are probably not going to do that well.
When it comes to trading FX, it does take the right skills and knowledge to make it all happen. Without the right kind of training, some good tips under your belt, and yes, some solid strategies too, making money through currency trading is not going to be easy. Today we want to take a look at some easy Forex trading strategies, as well as some very important tips to help you become profitable.
If you don’t already know him, the easy Forex trading strategies and tips we are going to talk about today are all courtesy of Andrew. Andrew is the man behind the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy. This academy is regarded as one of the best Forex trading schools in the world. There is no one else which we would rather learn some easy Forex trading strategies from than him. Let’s get right to it and figure out how to start putting real profits in your account.
Easy Forex Trading Strategies & Tips
Right now we want to take a look at some very easy Forex trading strategies that you can use to your advantage to put money in your pocket. We also want to talk about some great Forex trading tips that will help make your life a heck of a lot easier.
Coronavirus Trading
Yes, our world is currently in the midst of a planet-wide coronavirus epidemic. The whole world is feeling it right now, with tens of thousands, potentially hundreds of thousands, paying with their lives. Now, although it sounds a little crass, there is a silver lining to this coronavirus situation, a bright side to it, if you will. Simply put, the coronavirus has created a very volatile market situation.
No, usually a high level of volatility is not great, but with Andrew’s coronavirus trading tips featured in this video, you can use this to your advantage. In this particular video, Andrew discusses how and when to trade FX to take advantage of the CO-VID 19 pandemic. There is a way to make money here, and it might just keep you afloat when all else fails.
The 5 Essential Tips
Alright, so this video that we want to talk about right now is not really about a singular easy Forex trading strategy. Rather, it is a compilation of the best and brightest tips which Andrew can provide you with to become a profitable Forex trader.
No, these tips are nothing super advanced or ground-breaking, but they are very important nonetheless. If you are an aspiring Forex trader, a total newbie, we would definitely recommend watching this video. It’s going to provide you with some big time Forex trading tips that anybody and everybody needs to follow.
5 Minute Scalping Strategy
If you are not familiar with scalping in Forex trading, you really don’t know what you are missing out on. When it comes to easy Forex trading strategies, scalping is hands down one of the simplest and fastest ways to profit when trading FX currency pairs.
If you are not familiar with it, scalping is all about placing lots of small trades. As opposed to placing one or two huge trades with lots of money invested in each one, scalping is about placing a large quantity of trades, each with a small investment, and each which is only open for a short period of time. This 5 minute scalping strategy, as outlined by Andrew, will allow you to make fast and consistent profits.
No, the profits from single trades are not going to be huge here. However, lots of little trades do add up quickly, and if you do it right, this 5 minute scalping strategy can potentially put thousands of dollars in your account per day.
Candlestick Pattern Cheat Sheet
If you plan on being a profitable and successful Forex trader, something you will have to be familiar with is the candlestick. Candlestick patterns are analytical tools used on charts, and they are designed to inform you of price directions and directional changes. The simple fact here is that when it comes to easy Forex trading strategies, many of them are going to involve candlestick patterns.
In this particular video tutorial, Andrew demonstrates exactly how to use candlesticks in Forex trading. He will teach you how to analyze them, what all the different patterns are and what they mean, and of course how to place profitable trades using this analysis. We would absolutely recommend watching this particular video, as knowing how to deal with candlesticks is an integral part of so many easy Forex trading strategies out there.
Easy Forex Trading Strategies – Final Thoughts
The bottom line is that the various easy Forex trading strategies and tips which we discussed above can and will help put money in your pockets. No, learning how to trade Forex is not necessarily easy, but it also does not have to be a massive challenge either. If you take all of the tips, advice, and strategies learned above, you can put together your own comprehensive way of trading Forex for profits.
Now, let’s make no mistake about it, because the various trading tutorials courtesy of Andrew, while they are great, are of course very singular and not very comprehensive. If you truly want to learn everything there is to know about trading FX, if you really want to become a profitable professional, the Income Mentor Box Day Trading Academy is the place to learn it all.
If you would like to find out more about cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency trading, go to our Cryptocurrency Explained section!

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