If you have not yet tried using the Crypto Masterbot app for cryptocurrency and Forex trading, you have no idea what you are missing out on. This is a brand new signals provider and autotrader for Forex and cryptocurrency trading. It was just released at the end of this previous week, but has already manage to make quite the impact in the world of day trading.
People around the globe, and this includes us, are hailing this Crypto Masterbot software for being a highly accurate signals provider. People also love the fact that this autotrader is super simple to use, about as easy as it gets. Even though it is very easy to operate, this does not mean that the Crypto Masterbot app is only for beginners.
Sure, it is super user friendly, but expert day traders, just like newbies, can easily use it to put big and consistent profits in the bank. We already did a small Crypto Masterbot test the previous week, just to see how it would perform. If you read our review and live profit session update from last week, you know that the results were pretty good.
However, one test was not enough, and this is why we did a second Crypto Masterbot live trading session shortly after the first one. Our first session was a really small one, but this previous one was much larger. We wanted to put some pressure onto this app to see how well it would fare when a large quantitiy of trades was placed. Today’s Crypto Masterbot review is all about our latest live trading session and the fantastic results which this software provided us with.
Crypto Masterbot Autotrader – BEST WIN RATE YET!
One thing which we were extremely impressed with was the awesome ITM rate which this Crypto Masterbot app managed to provide us with in our last live trading session. If you have been following our updates, you know that in our first test run, we placed a total of 7 trades, and in fact we won a good number of them.
However, we wanted to put even more pressure onto this Crypto Masterbot software, just so we would know how it performs when many positions are open at once. Yes, we placed a total of 20 trades, both Forex and cryptocurrency. Yeah, we do usually always tell people not to place more than 5 trades at a single time. Having too many trades open at once can make things really hard to keep track of, and often leads to bad results. However, if you are a pro, sure, you could place a few more.
The purpose of placing 20 trades was to see how this Crypto Masterbot autotrader would perform when a high volume of positions were open at once. Well, the Crypto Masterbot system did not disappoint in the least. Out of our 20 Forex and cryptocurrency trades we placed, a full 16 of them turned out to be winners.
Guys, this translates to an astounding ITM or win rate of 80%. All things considered, being able to 4 out of every 5 trades placed is much more impressive than we had hoped for. The bottom line here is that if you like winning cryptocurrency and Forex trades, there does not seem to be a better tool to do it with than this Crypto Masterbot autotrader and signals provider.
Crypto Masterbot Software – BEST PROFITS SO FAR!
Of course, the fact that the Crypto Masterbot app won so many trades for us also means that we were able to bank a fair amount of cash. Something we do want to mention here is that we did only invest small amounts of money per trade. While we were pretty confident that this signals provider and autotrader would be profitable, we still did not want to take any huge risks. Remember guys, this was technically still a test session. That said, now that we know just how accurate the signals here are, we will definitely start investing more cash per trade.
Just so you know, out of those 16 trades that the Crypto Masterbot system won for us the other day, we made a nice $800 in profits. To break it down, each trade provided us with exactly $50 in profits. Once again, no this is not a huge profit, but for one, it is more money than we have made with this app so far, and second, if we made larger investments, we would have been able to make much more yet. The fact of the matter here is that the Crypto Masterbot autotrader definitely has big potential and the very real ability to put big and consistent profits into your pockets.
Crypto Masterbot Live Profits – Conclusion
Folks, there is really no denying the fact that this Crypto Masterbot signals provider and autotrader is one of the best in the world. Both the Forex signals and cryptocurrency signals which it provides are very accurate and always up to date. The awesome algorithm and all of the indicators which this app automatically uses to select the best positions for you is undeniably accurate.
Remember guys, we placed a total of 20 trades, won 16 of them, and even though we only invested minimal amounts per trade, we still walked away with a cool $800 in pure profits, all from just a couple hours of trading.
Another point of note here is that of course you can test out the Crypto Masterbot demo version for yourself. You do not have to start trading with real capital right away. We would recommend taking the demo for a spin before signing up for the full version. That said, as you can see, the full version of this Crypto Masterbot autotrader is spectacular and the results have been fantastic so far.
If you would like to find out more about cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrency trading, go to our Cryptocurrency Explained section!

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